Chairperson's Foreword.
Hello and welcome to the Dyffryn Conwy Paddlers Club.
Dyffryn Conwy Paddlers is an active and friendly canoe club which was established in 1991.
Our activities are predominantly 'flat water', using marathon kayaks. However our home water is the Conwy Estuary which is tidal and reasonably exposed so at times conditions are definitely not flat. Our fleet of stable and semi-stable boats were bought with these ranging conditions in mind.
Our membership combines male and female paddlers in an approximately 50/50 ratio and ranges from a few experienced juniors to extremely active retired seniors who will give you a run for your money. In between these age groups are people who enjoy a leisurely paddle in our stunning surroundings; those who train for races and indeed, those who do a bit of both.
Regular club sessions are on Tuesday evenings for leisure and training and Friday evenings for time trials. We also hold occasional sessions on nearby lakes, canals and the sea. These sessions may include other canoe type activities such as surfing and stand up paddle boarding and are generally open to members’ friends and family as we try to entice the world to have a go at marathon paddling!
Some club members take part in white water racing on rivers such as the Tryweryn and Dee. Many members are also sea paddlers.
Our marathon kayaks are designed for racing and many members take part in marathon races, mostly travelling into North West England to participate. We also hold our own annual marathon race, The Conwy Ascent, and are involved in the local Conwy Valley Mountain Triathlon.